Book Chapters

7 book chapters in 5 different books.

7) J. M. Hamamreh, "Improving the Physical Layer Security of IoT-5G Systems", Chapter 2 in the book titled “Artificial Intelligence in IoT”, Springer, Switzerland AG, 2019. ISBN: 978-3-030-04110-6 \\ 

6) J. M. Hamamreh, "An Effective Design for Polar Codes over Multipath Fading Channels", Chapter 1 in the book titled “Smart Cities Performability, Cognition, and Security”, Springer, Switzerland AG, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-14717-4\\ 

5) F. Al-Turjman, J. M. Hamamreh, "Security in UAV/Drone Communications", Chapter 10 in the book titled "Drones in IoT-enabled Spaces", Published with Taylor and Francis, CRC, New York, 2019.\\ 

4) F. Al-Turjman, J. M. Hamamreh, "mm-Waves in the Internet of Nano-Things", Chapter 4 in the book titled "Internet of Nano-Things and Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)", Published with Taylor and Francis, CRC, New York, 2019.\\ 

3) Fadi Al-Turjman, Sinem Alturjman, Jehad Hamamreh, "Grid-Based UAV Placement in Intelligent Transportation Systems", Chapter 7 in the book titled "Drones in IoT-enabled Spaces", Published with Taylor and Francis, CRC, New York, 2019.\\ 

2) A. Jaradat, J. M. Hamamreh, H. Arslan, “Generalized and Flexible Modulation Options,” in Flexible and Cognitive Radio Access Technologies for 5G and Beyond, Publisher: IET, Oct. 2020.;jsessionid=c7hg4cb72him.x-iet-live-01 

1) H. M. Furqan, J. M. Hamamreh, H. Arslan, “Physical Layer Security Designs for 5G and Beyond,” in Flexible and Cognitive Radio Access Technologies for 5G and Beyond, Publisher: IET, Oct. 2020.;jsessionid=c7hg4cb72him.x-iet-live-01